Ep. 108 - Alok Tayi, Ph.D., Co-Founder & CEO | Vibe Biotechnology

Our guest this week is one of our hosts, Alok Tayi, and he has some exciting news. The official launch of his new company, Vibe Biotechnology, building a global community of patients, scientists, and partners around a shared mission to cure rare diseases. Vibe Bio's novel approach seeks to scale the development of treatments sustainably and provides patient communities unprecedented ownership over the results.

Alok is a scientist by trade, with over 15 years under his belt including a PhD at Northwestern - and time spent at Harvard under a successful biotech founder. He then went on to start multiple biotech software companies - securing over $100M in total venture funding along the way.

Through his own personal and professional experience, Alok has realized that the families of patients with rare diseases have plenty of hope - but what they need is help. Not necessarily finding the right potential therapeutic option - but actually funding it. That’s where the Vibe community steps in - vetting out which drug development programs have the highest potential and financing the process via crypto token sales.

Tapping into the crypto market opens up a wealth of new opportunities when it comes to tackling some of these major rare diseases. Vibe’s aim is to give families not only the community of support - but the genuine power to pursue a cure for any rare disease at scale - an issue that impacts 1 in 10 Americans.

Sit back, relax, and we hope you enjoy this enlightening conversation between Alok and our wonderful guest host Susanna Harris, PhD.

Alok Tayi